Haworthia acuminata - Johnson's Post
This locality is only a few km to the north of the type locality of Haworthia acuminata near the Gouritz River. The plants are very similar to the plants at the type locality, the only notable difference is the colour of the leaves and the tendency for some plants to be semi-retuse. The plants from the type locality are a brownish green whereas the plants from Johnson's Post are light green.
The habitat is in two parts: A small population in dense brush on a little outcropping, and a fairly large population on a relatively bare slope of a hill next to the outcropping. The plants at both areas are similar, but the habitat of the low outcropping is similar to the habitat of the type locality where the plants are hidden under the bushes and grow in pebbly soil.
The low outcropping.
Plants protected under shrub on the outcropping.
The bare hill slope.
As one ascends the bare hill, large clumps of Haworthia acuminata are exposed to the full sun in clay soil, very similar to Haworthia turgida in habitat. Some of the exposed plants are less retuse then others.
Large clumps on the bare slope.
It was my second visit to this locality, the first time being probably 12 years ago or more. A white/silver speckled form which grows only a few hills to the north I could not find this time. I do have some plants in cultivation and will place some photographs of this rather attractive form later.
The plants are light green in colour. In cultivation the reddish brown colour disappears.
Some plants are semi-retuse.
All images are the property of Izimakana Industries. Your source of Hoodia gordonii, Haworthia and Succulent Plants.
All images are the property of Izimakana Industries. Your source of Hoodia gordonii, Haworthia and Succulent Plants.