Haworthia truncata variety minor South of Dysselsdorp

The plants are small and are usually well hidden under bushes or debris (old leaves, twigs etc). This makes them very difficult to find.

Haworthia truncata variety minorHaworthia truncata variety minor

Haworthia truncata variety minor is found along a stretch of about 2 km with non-hairy plants to the western side of its distribution, and hairy forms to the east. The non-hairy forms occur scattered over a large area. Some isolated plants or groups of plants in the western distribution are of "normal" size, making the distinction between the variety minor and the normal variety a bit blurry. The hairy forms are all small.

Haworthia truncata variety minorHaworthia truncata variety minor

This locality is only a few km to the south of the robust Dysselsdorp truncata, VDV120. This once again highlights major changes that can occur over a short distance. Haworthia tuberculata is found in very close proximity to the hairy forms. The hairy truncata is a rare, choice plant in collections. It does not seem to flower as prolifically as some other truncata, and seed production in nature tends to be rather skimpy.

Haworthia truncata variety minor
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