Haworthia decipiens variety decipiens West of Prince Albert

Haworthia decipiens variety decipiens has a wide distribution from west of Prince Albert to around Steytlerville and Jansenville.

Haworthia decipiens

Haworthia decipiens

The plants from the Prince Albert area are mostly found on the southern slopes of hillsides, but also on minor elevations with a northern or other inclination. They prefer a stony habitat and are normally sheltered by bushes.

Haworthia decipiens
Certain plants from the Steytlerville area look very similar to the Prince Albert forms, although their habitat is seperated by a few hundred kilometers.

Haworthia decipiens
There are many different looking plants in between these extremes of habitat that have been included in Haworthia decipiens thus far by certain authors.It likely that these should belong elsewhere.

Haworthia decipiensSwartbergAn old photograph of the Prince Albert entrance to the Swartberg Pass. Not far behind the photographer is a colony of Haworthia decipiens. On the nearby slopes of The Swartberg are Haworthia marumiana and further on some colonies of plants that have characteristics of both Haworthia maruminana and Haworthia arachnoidea.

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